2024 workplace gender equality index for 2023 data

France’s free career choice law of September 5, 2018, has made gender-based pay equality a performance requirement for all businesses.
Results by indicator
This means that, in 2024, CRPN’s Gender pay equality index is calculated out of a possible 100 points using the following 4 indicators:
- Pay gap between men and women: 29 points,
- Gap in individual pay raises: 35 points,
- The indicator tied to the % of employees who received a raise over the year following their return from maternity : 15 points
- Top management gender equality (number of members of the underrepresented gender among the 10 highest-paid employees): 5 points.
Improvement goals
The CRPN Index of Professional Equality 2023 published in 2024 is 84/100; the latter has seen a decrease compared to the score obtained for the 2022 Index of Professional Equality published in 2023, which was 89/100.
Given the new obligations arising out of Decree no. 2022-243 of 25 February 2022, this result has led us to publish our improvement targets on the “pay differences” and “number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest salaries” indicators.
Publication of progress targets
The CRPN 2023 Professional Equality Index published in 2024 is 84/100.
Within the framework of the new obligations resulting from Decree no. 2022-243 of 25 February 2022, we are publishing below the progress targets envisaged by the CRPNPAC on the following indicators:
- “Pay differences”;
- “Number of employees of the underrepresented sex among the employees having received the highest pay packets”.
Indicator relative to “Pay differences”
The organisation has set the target, as far as possible, of increasing the result of the indicator relative to pay differences, which was equal to 29/40 for the year 2023.
For that purpose, the CRPNPAC undertakes to:
- Continue to oversee equal pay between men and women upon hiring for a same job or work of equal value;
- Continue to oversee equal salary treatment between men and women for a same job or work of equal value throughout the professional career within the organisation.
Indicator relative to the number of employees of the underrepresented sex among employees having received the highest pay packets
The organisation has set the target, as far as possible, of increasing the number of employees of the underrepresented sex at that indicator of the index, which was 5/10 for the year 2023, overseeing the assurance of representativeness of women within the 10 highest pay packets at equivalent competencies.