Periods of unemployment with benefits in 2023 and earlier, based on the termination of air crew employment on which CRPN contributions had been paid, have been credited to our members’ accounts.
These periods were credited upon receipt of Unedic contributions in 2024, provided that no CRPN pension was paid based on the same periods..
Does this apply to you?
If you are under 50
- CRPN will as soon as possible be posting an additional buyback proposal, along with a full set of explanations on this topic, to the “Unemployment: additional buyback” section of your personal account. If you so choose, this is a way for you to bring your credited periods of unemployment up to the full amount of the last salary that was credited to your account.
This new “Unemployment: additional buyback” service will appear in a banner notification whenever you open the dashboard of your personal account and will remain up and running through December 30, 2024.
This information is no longer sent out by postal mail.
If you are 50-plus
- CRPN will send you an additional buyback proposal by postal mail only if your pension claim is currently in progress or if your entitlements have already been claimed. This only applies to periods of unemployment occurring prior to your pension effective date.
- If you have not yet applied for or begun drawing your pension entitlements, you will be able to request a buyback proposal during the period immediately prior to your claim for all pension retirements, and no earlier than 6 months prior to your claim.
Safeguard your entitlements
You drew unemployment benefits in 2024:
For validation at the end of 2025, you must send your annual Pôle Emploi “Caisse de retraite complémentaire” [complementary pension fund] attestation to the CRPN at the beginning of 2025, mentioning:
- Your supplementary retirement pension scheme CRPN,
- The on which your air crew employment contract was terminated,
- The name of your most recent employer.
If one of the above criteria is missing or incorrect, please ask the Pôle Emploi [French governmental employment agency] to correct it and send the duly amended attestation to the CRPN.