Flash questions
- Social security withholdings were taken out of my January pension payment even though I don’t reside in metropolitan France, which entitles me to exemptions. What should I do?
It is your responsibility to submit proof of eligibility for any exemptions from social security withholdings to CRPN each year (please refer to our informational guide entitled Compulsory pension withholdings).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How to verify salaries validated in my career?
You can verify the CRPN salaries by comparing the sum of the bases subject to pension fund contributions appearing on each of your payslips for the year in question (section headed by that wording or that of the complementary pension, also identifiable through rates displayed on the payslips).
Don’t take the gross salary as reference, because some elements are excluded from the CRPN contributions base (notably expenses reimbursements and severance pay).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How much will my pension increase on January 1st?
On January 1, 2025, your pension increases by 1.13%.
As a reminder, on 1 January of year N, pensions are revalued by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), France as a whole, excluding tobacco, published by the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), between November of year N-1 and November of year N-2.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- What is the implementation date of the new benefits paid by the CRPN?
Benefits 2 and 4 – doubling of the supplement (case of required insurance duration (DAR) basic scheme and case of permanent unfitness for work)
- For members whose pension (final settlement) takes effect from 22 November 2023, effective date of the Decree of 20 November 2023.
Benefit 3 – benefit paid after unemployment entitlements
- For members whose contract as flight crew member ends from 22 November 2023, effective date of the Decree of 20 November 2023.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Where can I find my net social amount?
The net social amount has been shown on pension slips since January 2024, and will appear on letters for settlement of entitlements.
You may need this figure to obtain some social benefits and allowances from certain administrations. It corresponds to your gross income from which all mandatory social deductions have been deducted.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- At what age will my top-up stop?
For pension claims on or after January 1, 2012, the top up is paid up to the statutory retirement age under the basic scheme, depending on your date of birth.
Born before September 1, 1961?
You are not affected by the reform, so the top-up stops at age 62.
Born on or after September 1, 1961?
The top-up is paid beyond age 62, depending on your year of birth:
- born between 01/09/1961 and 31/12/1961: 62 years 3 months
- born in 1962: 62 years 6 months
- born in 1963: 62 years 9 months
- born in 1964: 63 years
- born in 1965: 63 years 3 months
- born in 1966: 63 years 6 months
- born in 1967: 63 years 9 months
- born in 1968 or later: 64 years.
For pension claims prior to 2012, the top-up is paid up to age 60.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I can’t open the document in my personal account, I get a “module blocked” message.
This is a security level recently introduced by Safari, beyond our control. You can try one of the following options:
– install Google Chrome if it is not already installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone,
– install Acrobat Reader, which opens these documents
– click on the message that appears: “Module blocked”. When the approval dialog box appears, select “Trust” (here’s the Adobe explanatory page: https://helpx.adobe.com/fr/acrobat/kb/blocked-plugin-alert-safari-7.html).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Where can I find my “tiers” number?
On any document issued by CRPN, either in the bottom right-hand corner or in the top left-hand corner, depending on the type of document (career statement, notice of entitlement, pension statements, letters, etc.), preceded by “T” or “N° de tiers”.
In your personal account, if you’re an employee, you’ll find it at the bottom right of your career statement or notification of entitlements, for example. If you’re a pensioner, you’ll find it at the bottom right of your pension statements or tax certificates, for example.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Where can I find my history of notifications of entitlements?
The notification of entitlements, online in your personal account, is a document provided to members who haven’t yet retired, indicating the gross monthly amount of the theoretical benefits calculated dynamically at the value of the current year, on the basis of the validated career.
Notifications of entitlements prior to the one online in your personal account are not archived.
If you wish, you can download and save your notification of entitlements each year, after validation of the previous year’s activity.
The notification of entitlements, which displays theoretical pension entitlements and doesn’t take account of the conditions of claiming, is no longer available once your pension has been claimed.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How is the net taxable amount of my pension calculated?
The net taxable amount of your CRPN pension can differ from the net amount paid over the year, due to certain mandatory withholdings which are added back in to the amount which must appear on your return.
It is calculated as follows:
Gross pensions
+ gross top-ups
+ gross supplements
– health insurance contributions
– CSG (deductible portion only)
Your tax certificates is available through your personal account.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am a CRPN pensioner and would like to resume air crew employment. Will that increase my entitlements?
If you resume air crew work for an employer who pays CRPN contributions and have not claimed your entitlements under a basic scheme since January 1st, 2015, your new employment will earn you new CRPN-scheme entitlements that will be counted toward the calculation of your new pension each year from the 1st of January following the year of employment.
“Basic scheme” refers to “Sécurité sociale,” MSA, etc. The CRPN scheme is not a basic scheme but rather a supplementary retirement pension scheme.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can you send me a pension claim certificate which my employer requires for “gratis passenger” tickets?
Your certificate of pension entitlement will be uploaded to your online personal account once your pension claim has been approved by our pension board. Any other type of pension certificate can be issued upon request once you have claimed your pension.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am participating in the alternating work-retirement program and need to change my work pattern. What do I need to do?
Any changes to your work pattern cannot be taken into account during the year; for the CRPN in the context of the alternating work-retirement program.
Pensions are paid based on the work schedule which your employer will have submitted for the entire fiscal year. Please log in to your personal account in early January to check the work schedule that has been reported and set up for you for the remainder of the year.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can I apply to claim my pension and then start drawing it at a later date?
No: when you apply for your pension, you are applying to claim your entitlements (either in full or a portion of your entitlements through the alternating work-retirement program) and begin drawing your pension on the date you have selected. This means that applying for your pension implies claiming your entitlements under the currently applicable rules. There is no way to pre-claim without triggering pension payments. The rules that apply to your claim are those applicable on your pension effective date.
You can use your personal account to claim your pension online, within the 6-month period immediately prior to the date you have selected.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How can I contact you?
We have stepped up our telephone reception services at CRPN to answer your Level 1 questions. You can also call reception for help in using the CRPN website. You will find answers to most of your questions by doing a search in the public section of our website or once you have logged in to your personal account.
If you cannot find an answer to your questions on the website, we invite you to use the contact form, which can be found in the FAQ, Help and Contact section, specifying the subject of your request.
You can also reach the Careers and Benefits department on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. by dialing
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Am I better off waiting to claim my pension until my unemployment benefits run out?
Yes, if you do not qualify to claim your pension without a rate reduction when your employment contract ends. Claiming a pension upon exhaustion of unemployment benefits is a special case that comes under the following set of rules:
- The applicant must have been downsized or joined on to a voluntary departure-job preservation plan,
- The terminated employment contract that generated the applicant’s unemployment benefits up to exhaustion of these must have been an air crew contract,
- The applicant’s pension effective date must coincide with the date of exhaustion of their unemployment benefit entitlement,
- On that date, the applicant must have accrued at least 20 years to their CRPN account,
- On that date, the applicant must be at least 50 years old.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How and when will the year 2020 be credited to members’ accounts?
Employment for any given fiscal year is generally credited to members’ accounts during the summer, once our Employers-Collections department has processed employers’ reports.
Until 2020
In order for employment for a given employer to be credited to members’ accounts, all contributions due for that employer’s air crew members (both the employee’s and employer’s share) must have been paid in full.
For 2020
As you may have read (in our December 14, 2021 news update), employers have been given the opportunity to postpone payment of their employer’s contributions.
If your employer has done so, the year 2020 will only be able to be credited to your account once all contributions have been paid (with some exceptions, employers had until 2024 to pay their postponed contributions). Your employer(s)’ payment status will be shown when you log in to your personal account and pull up your career. However, periods and wages for 2020 are credited to the accounts of members claiming their pension entitlements.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Do I need to declare my CRPN pension when I register with the French unemployment agency France Travail?
Yes, and you will need to show a certificate for the lifelong portion of your pension; we will issue you one upon request.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Should I start claiming my CRPN pension as soon as my air crew employment contract ends, or should I wait until my unemployment benefits run out?
It all depends on the rules that would apply to your claim on each of these two dates. It is better not to claim your pension with a rate reduction: rate reductions are lifelong and will make you ineligible for the temporary top-up. You may be able to claim without a rate reduction once your unemployment benefits have run out if you meet the requirements set forth by article R6527-27 of the French transport code, which covers this type of claim.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I claim my pension before age 55, will I get the top-up? when?
Yes, if you claim your pension without a rate reduction, but it will only be added on automatically once you have reached age 55.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can I get a certificate of eligibility from you?
Please use the retirement date and pension entitlement estimators that are available when you log in to your personal account. These will both display the rules that will apply to your claim based on the dates you enter and on your forecast career. You can then download the results and show them if needed.
Please be aware that members aged 60 and up are eligible to claim their entitlements with no career-length requirement.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Will my periods of paid unemployment be counted toward my pension entitlement once my unemployment benefit entitlements run out?
Yes, all periods that have been credited to your account will be counted toward the 20 years you need in order to qualify for a pension with no rate reduction once you have used up your unemployment benefit entitlements.
The following additional requirements must also be met:
- You must have been laid off for business-based reasons (or have left through a voluntary departure-job preservation plan).
- You must have drawn benefits based on the termination of an air crew employment contract on which CRPN contributions were paid,
- And be at least 50 years old on the date your unemployment benefits run out.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How do I prove my CRPN entitlements with my employer?
Please use the retirement date and pension estimators which are available when you log in to your personal account.
The results from these two tools list the rules that will apply if you claim your entitlements under the circumstances you choose to enter. You can then download your results to show to your employer.
Please also check out our profile-based online tutorials which will help you through the pension estimation process:
- If you are currently employed: Tutorial for our retirement pension estimator,
- If you are currently enrolled in the alternating work-retirement program: Tutorial for our alternating work-retirement pension estimator.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Will I be affected by the new pension claim rules that apply?
As from 2022, in order to qualify for a full-rate pension, members will need to have accrued at least 30 years and be at least 50 years old, except for members born before 1971, who will come under a transitional career length requirement measure if they claim their entitlements at or after age 55.
To come under the transitional measure, members will need to have accrued a benchmark number of years that is determined by their year of birth.
Please click here to view our pension claim rules.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Am I entitled to the minimum pension (“talon”)? How much is it? How is it awarded?
You are entitled to the minimum pension (“talon”) if you have accrued a total of at least 9,000 days of contributions to your CRPN career (add together your Time accrued through contributions + Time accrued through buyback which appear on your career history statement; you can check this when you log in to your personal account).
The gross monthly minimum pension (“talon”) for a claim in 2025 amounts to 0.21184 multiplied by your number of days of contributions.
The minimum pension (“talon”) is awarded automatically if you meet the length-of-career requirement and the amount of your entitlements is below that of the minimum pension (“talon”) calculated for your number of days of contributions. You do not need to apply to CRPN to receive this benefit.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I become eligible for a full-rate pension during my period of paid unemployment, will I need to wait until that period has ended before I can claim my entitlements with no rate reduction?
No, you can claim your entitlements on the date of your choice, before your unemployment benefits have ended. In this case, your periods of paid unemployment will be counted toward your CRPN career up to your pension effective date. You can still continue to draw your unemployment benefits after you have claimed your pension, but the French unemployment office France Travail has rules on drawing unemployment while retired and will deduct a percentage of your CRPN pension from your unemployment benefits. Please contact CRPN to request a certificate of life-long pension entitlement (this will not show any top-ups).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I leave through my employer’s voluntary departure-job preservation plan (“PDV-PSE”), will I be entitled to a pension with no rate reduction once my period of paid unemployment has ended?
Yes, provided that you meet the age and length-of-career requirements on the date your unemployment benefit entitlement comes to an end (age 50/ 20 years of employment). Indeed, a departure as part of a voluntary departure – job preservation plan is treated as a layoff pursuant to article R6527-27 of the French transport code.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I resume air crew employment with a company paying CRPN contributions after I have claimed my CRPN entitlements, will my pension go up?
Yes, as long as you haven’t claimed your basic pension (CNAV, MSA, or other scheme).
If you resume work post-retirement, you pension payments will be suspended. Your new employment will allow you to accrue new periods of employment and new wages to your account: these will be taken into account, effective January 1st of each year, toward your pension entitlements.
However, your pension will continue to be calculated according to the rules and factors that applied to your original claim: the claim and reference indices used for annual uprating (Corrected wage variation index and pension variation index), the French social security ceiling, and any applicable rate reduction and/or wage valuation rate for years other than your best 25 (please refer to our informational guide on Resuming work post-retirement).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Is the top-up awarded for life? What is meant by “life-long awards?”
The top-up is not awarded for life; your pension will then be topped up until you reach statutory retirement age under the basic scheme, as determined by your birth year.
CRPN’s life-long awards are the pension and the child-related bonus.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am leaving employment and have decided to take mobility leave (“congé de mobilité”) or reclassification leave (“congé de reclassement”). Can I claim my CRPN retirement pension?
No, you will only be able to claim your pension once your mobility or reclassification leave has ended and your air crew employment contract has been terminated.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- The times and earnings credited to my CRPN career account for a given year are incorrect. Can you fix this?
The times and earnings credited to your career were reported to us by your employer(s). If one of your fiscal years appears to be incorrect, you will need to contact your employer: if a correction is needed, they will need to send us a statement of correction listing your correct times and earnings. You do not need to send us your payslips.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can you send me the certificate of pension entitlement (“attestation de retraite”) which the French unemployment agency “France Travail” is asking me for?
The certificate of pension entitlement intended for France Travail is issued upon request, once the member has begun drawing their pension, and sent out by postal mail.
Please be aware that this certificate may state a different amount than the one that appears on your pension slips or your certificate of pension entitlement (“titre de pension”) since it only shows the lifelong portion of your pension (without the top-up).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- My income has gone down: can I qualify for emergency aid?
Our rules do not provide for widespread financial aid to compensate for lost income.
However, you should be aware that CRPN does have a Social Welfare fund which our Social Welfare board uses to grant one-time aid to members facing a serious qualifying life event or disability-or age-related difficulty that has left them in dire financial circumstances.
In this case, if you send us a written request, we will send you a form for you to fill out and send back along with the documentary evidence we will need to assess how much your “survival income” is. We will then conduct a welfare assessment in your home and the board will decide on the basis of your application and this assessment.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I would like to schedule an in-person or phone appointment. Is there any way to make this happen?
We have stepped up our telephone reception services at CRPN to answer your Level 1 questions. You can also call reception for help in using the CRPN website. You will find answers to most of your questions by doing a search in the public section of our website or once you have logged in to your personal account.
If you cannot find an answer to your questions on the website, we invite you to use the contact form, which can be found in the Help and Contact section, specifying the subject of your request. You may be offered a telephone appointment.
You can also reach the Careers and Benefits department on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. by dialing
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Is my pension application complete?
Applications are processed as soon as we receive them. If you are missing any supporting documents, we will send you a letter or e-mail to let you know.
When you log in to your personal account and click on “Check the status of your pension claim,” your status will be “Pending” until your claim has been approved by our pension board.
Please do not contact us by phone or email to ask whether your application is complete.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- What do I need to do to start drawing my pension?
Submit an online claim through your personal account by the applicable deadline. We need to receive your claim by the month prior to your pension effective date.
Otherwise, you could lose one or more monthly pension payments (Example: if you will be retiring on January 1st, we need to receive your claim by December 31st.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am currently enrolled in the alternating work-retirement program and want to join on to a collective settlement agreement. What should I do?
You will need to claim the second portion of your entitlements through your online personal account by the applicable deadline. We will confirm receipt of your application by sending you the certificate for your employer to fill out.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can you tell me how much my monthly pension payments will be?
We can’t give out any amounts be email or telephone. However, you can estimate your pension entitlement by using the forecaster that is accessible through your personal account or check your notice of entitlements if your entire career has been credited to your account.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- When I retire, will I get my first pension payment on the 1st of the following month?
No, pensions are paid in arrears at the beginning of the following month. Assuming we have all your required documentation, the earliest your pension can be paid will be during the first two weeks of the following month.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am drawing my pension through the alternating work-retirement program. I would like to have my “off” days credited free of charge.
You cannot both draw a pension and accrue free credits to your account on the basis of the same period. If you qualify to claim your pension at the full rate, free credits would have no effect on your pension entitlements.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Are unemployment benefit waiting periods taken into account?
No, only periods of unemployment with benefits can be credited to your account, on the basis of contributions paid by Unedic.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I do not have enough days to qualify for the full rate. Can I have days of unemployment with benefits credited to my account?
Yes, days of unemployment with benefits (once the waiting period is over) can be credited to your account based on contributions paid by UNEDIC (during the following year).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I claim my entitlements with a rate reduction, will I become eligible for the top-up when I turn 60?
No, a pension claimed with a rate reduction is not and will never be eligible for a top-up.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can I still qualify for a top-up if I join on to a collective settlement agreement (“RCC?”)
Retiring under a collective settlement agreement will not affect your entitlement to a top-up. Top-ups are paid on all pensions that are claimed without a rate reduction and are added on automatically by age 55 at the latest for claims in 2021. Top-ups are paid on pensions claimed at age 60 or later if the member has accrued a minimum of 20 years to their career.
Your pension will then be topped up until you reach statutory retirement age under the basic scheme, as determined by your birth year.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I have been offered redeployment or mobility leave. Will I need to pay CRPN contributions?
No, during reclassification leave or mobility leave, you do not contribute to the CRPN on your reclassification leave or mobility leave benefits.
However, reclassification leave and mobility leave periods from 16 December 2021 are included in the periods that can be validated in the CRPN regime. They can therefore be validated free of charge or by buyback.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I join on to a collective settlement agreement (“RCC”), will I be able to claim my pension without a rate reduction once my employment benefits have ended?
No, that is a special mechanism that allows for retirement without a rate reduction; it cannot be applied when employment is terminated under a collective settlement agreement (“RCC”).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Some of my qualifying periods have not been credited free of charge to my account; please add them on.
Please log in to your personal account, go to our Online requests and applications service, click on crediting periods off work and then submit the required documents.
For periods off work prior to 2020, you will need to submit the required documentation.
Periods off work from 2020 are credited free of charge based on employer reports. You have no application or documentation to submit, unless you are applying for early crediting in connection with a claim for entitlements.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can periods of unemployment with benefits be credited to my CRPN account?
Periods of unemployment following the termination of an air crew contract on which CRPN contributions were paid can be credited to your CRPN career once UNEDIC has paid CRPN contributions on those periods (this means that they will be credited free of charge to your account). Any periods of unemployment beginning on or after your pension effective date will not be able to be credited to your career.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can I continue to draw my CRPN retirement pension if I start a new job?
Not if you are employed as an air crew member, either in France or abroad. However, you can continue to draw your CRPN pension if you enter any other type of employment.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I am on an alternating work pattern. Can I resume full-time employment?
Pensions are paid in view of the schedule set forth by your employer for the financial year. If you are enrolled in the alternating work-retirement program, your employer will need to delete your periods off work that would have come after the date you resumed full-time employment from the schedule that has been submitted to CRPN.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- I don’t know my date of full retirement yet. Should I still submit my pension claim?
Yes, there is no need to wait if you are planning to retire in the new future: you can withdraw your claim or change the date later on. Otherwise, you could miss out on one or more monthly pension payments if you go past your deadline.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- Can I draw my retirement pension plus unemployment benefits at the same time?
As far as CRPN is concerned, yes. However, France’s unemployment agency “France Travail” has rules on multiple benefit awards and deducts a percentage of the lifelong portion of our members’ CRPN pension from any unemployment benefit award. Ask CRPN to issue you a certificate of lifelong pension entitlements (without any top-up).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How much will my France Travail benefits be?
CRPN does not have that information. Please submit it to your French unemployment agency (“France Travail”).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I do not retire right now, how much will my pension be if I claim at X date?
Please use our forecasting tool and add the years from 2024 through the year you plan to retire. An online tutorial is available for help.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- If I enter full retirement, am I required to claim my CRPN pension entitlements?
From CRPN’s standpoint, no. Pensions are paid on application only, meaning that you are free to choose whether or not to submit a claim. You may stand to gain from claiming at a later date, e.g. to avoid a rate reduction.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- What supporting documents does CRPN require in order to claim my entitlements?
These are listed in the pension application which CRPN will send you once we have received your pension application. To learn more, please refer to our informational Step-to-Step Guide to Claiming your CRPN retirement pension (in the Downloads section).
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to:
- How do I send you a question by email?
Send your question as an attachment to the contact form which you will find on “Help and Contact”.
To find a quick answer to your questions, please refer to: