Computing and freedom

Who gathers and processes personal information (and who is in charge of processing it)?
For the purposes of the complementary pension scheme for professional salaried air crew members, your personal data is collected and processed by CRPNPAC, 14 rue des Pyramides, CS 60322, 75041 Paris Cedex 01, France (hereinafter referred to as CRPNPAC).
“Personal information” refers to any information pertaining to a natural person who is either identified or identifiable, whether directly or indirectly, through reference to an identification number or to one or more pieces of information that are unique to them.
CRPNPAC agrees to gather and process your personal information from the website in a manner compliant with France’s general data protection rules (RGPD) of April 27, 2016, and with France’s amended Law on Data Processing, Files and Individual Liberties of January 6, 1978.
Any personal information gathered by CRPNPAC is gathered in a fair and transparent manner based in part on displaying full user notifications.
How personal data is gathered
The personal data of members, pensioners and any beneficiaries may be collected:
From third parties:
- Employers of members and pensioners;
- Partner social and tax bodies in the context of exchanges authorised by the legislation and regulations in force: Assurance retraite, France Travail, DGFIP …
Or directly from you, notably via:
- our forms;
- our website;
- your direct contacts with us and your letters.
Mandatory answers are indicated on the forms.
Why we need to process your personal information
CRPNPAC agrees to only gather personal information for clear, precise, and legitimate purposes, and to process it in accordance with stated purposes.
Each form or eservice collects the least amount of personal information possible (using the concept of data minimization).
CRPNPAC agrees to only process that personal information which is appropriate and relevant and which does not go beyond the purposes for which it was gathered.
Any personal information is only gathered and/or processed based on the legal grounds set forth by applicable regulatory policy, and for the following purposes:
- To ensure that we are in compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations under currently applicable law:
- Administering supplementary retirement pension entitlements on behalf of companies, members, and pensioners (calculating supplementary retirement pension entitlements, administering pensions, collecting contributions, etc.);
- Administering social protection entitlements on behalf of members and pensioners;
- Liaising with companies and with members and pensioners;
- Tax and social security withholdings;
- Administering social welfare benefits on behalf of members and pensioners (calculation, administration, payment);
- Administering the scheme by CRPNPAC;
- anonymised statistical surveys on retirement.
- As part of the fulfillment of a contract:
- Registration for a Personal CRPN account on our website (Terms of Use)
What personal data is processed?
The different categories of personal data collected are as follows:
Civil status, identity, identifying information | Surname(s), forename(s), date of bith and/or death, place or birth, NIR (Social Secutity number)… |
Personal situation | Postal end email addresses, family/marital situation, parentage… |
Professional situation | Employment contract type, carrers, employer company… |
Economic and financial information | Salaries, tax status… |
Login data | ID to the CRPNPAC personal account… |
Banking information | Bank account details |
Who receives and can be contracted out your personal information
Only people identified and authorized pursuant to the applicable Regulation may have access to your personal data.
CRPNPAC may work with technical subcontractors in order to process all or part of your personal information, only to the extent necessary to provide their services.
CRPNPAC does not transfer any of the personal information it gathers outside of the European Union and stores it exclusively in France.
CRPNPAC may be required to share your personal information without your prior agreement in order to comply with the law.
On this basis, you agree to allow CRPNPAC to share your personal information if it determines that this is necessary in order to comply with a subpoena, a warrant, or a court decision or order, or with an authority that has standing to conduct a specific investigation or in order to pursue a legitimate interest, including to defend its own rights.
Security and confidentiality
The security of your data is our primary concern and we are constantly improving this at all levels through technical and/or organisational measures in order to ensure the very best level of protection of your data.
The personal information that is gathered through the use of online services on is processed in accordance secure protocols and is used by CRPNPAC to handle the requests it receives through its computerized applications.
CRPNPAC shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all users’ personal information remains confidential and secure, and to prevent said information from being damaged, deleted, or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
Access to personal information is strictly limited to authorized personnel who have been assigned certain responsibilities and are bound by a confidentiality agreement.
How long your personal information will be stored
CRPNPAC processes and stores personal information in a secure environment for the amount of time needed to achieve the purposes for which it was gathered.
Personal information is not stored beyond the length of time CRPN needs in order to fulfill its statutory mandate.
CRPNPAC keeps a trace of exchanges with the users of its website in a file tracking the history of these exchanges. The trace of an exchange of information is kept for 3 years (1 year in an active database and 2 years in an archive database (for evidence purposes)).
Right to information, access, correct, delete, restrict processing, and register special directives with regard to the storage, deletion, or sharing of your information after your death.
Pursuant to currently applicable law in France (French Law on Data Processing, Files and Individual Liberties No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978) and in Europe (EU regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016) you have the right to information, access, correct, and delete your personal information as well as the right to restrict how your information is processed. In addition, you have the option to register a directive regarding the storage, deletion, and sharing of your information after your death. These directives can be amended or revoked at any time.
To exercise your rights, you can send your request in writing to the following address (attaching any document that can serve as proof of your identity):
Data Protection Officer
14 rue des Pyramides
CS 60322
75041 Paris Cedex 01
Or by filling out the form below:
After having contacted the CRPNPAC DPO, and if you feel that any processing infringes your rights, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL, French data protection regulatory authority, on the website or by post.
Compliance with france’s law on data processing, files and individual liberties
You are required to abide by the provisions of France’s amended law of January 6, 1978, on data processing, files, and individual liberties, and with France’s general data protection rules (RGPD) of April 27, 2016, violating which is liable to criminal prosecution.
This means that each user must refrain from collecting, processing, or inappropriately using the personal information they access and, in a general sense, from engaging in any action liable to infringe on another individual’s privacy or reputation.
Changes to the personal information processing rules
This policy is subject to change without notice in order to take account of the changes to the processing of the personal data of the CRPNPAC complementary pension.
If any changes are made to the rules set forth above, the latter will be published online on and become effective from the date of publication. Please refer to these rules every time you stop by the site in order to review the most recent version available on the site.
If you have any questions about CRPNPAC’s use of your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Representative (“Délégué à la Protection des Données”/ DPO) at the address below:
Délégué à la protection des données
14 rue des Pyramides
CS 60322
75041 Paris Cedex 01
or by clicking on the following link:
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Specific information
Echantillon interrégimes de retraités (EIR) 2024 (waiting for translation)
Information sur la mise en place d’un échantillon interrégimes de retraités et les droits des personnes prévus par le RGPD et la loi relative aux fichiers et aux libertés
La Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques (DREES) du Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé a élaboré un outil d’étude des pensions de retraite nommé échantillon interrégimes de retraités (EIR) qui permet de reconstituer le montant des retraites dans les régimes obligatoires. Sa création est prévue par l’article 1er de la loi n° 84-575 du 9 juillet 1984 et est encadrée par les articles R 161-59 à R 161-69 du code de la sécurité sociale.
L’Échantillon interrégimes de retraités est constitué en 2024 d’informations concernant les personnes nées :
– du 1er au 10 octobre de l’année 1914 à 1941 ;
– du 2 au 5 janvier, du 1er au 4 avril, du 1er au 4 juillet et entre le 1er et le 10 octobre des années 1942 à 1949 ;
– du 2 au 5 janvier, du 1er au 4 avril, du 1er au 4 juillet et entre le 1er et le 24 octobre de l’année 1950 ;
– du 2 au 5 janvier, du 1er au 4 février, du 1er au 4 mars, du 1er au 4 avril, du 1er au 4 mai, du 1er au 4 juin, du 1er au 4 juillet, du 1er au 4 août, du 1er au 4 septembre, entre le 1er et le 10 octobre, du 1er au 4 novembre et du 1 er au 4 décembre des années 1951 à 1964 ;
– du 2 au 5 janvier, du 1er au 4 avril, du 1er au 4 juillet et entre le 1er et le 10 octobre des années 1965 à 2004.
Des personnes appartenant à ces générations, dont le mois de naissance est inconnu de l’Insee sont également échantillonnées. Il s’agit des personnes dont la clé (les 2 derniers chiffres) du NIR (numéro d’inscription au répertoire d’identification des personnes physiques) appartient à la liste suivante :
– les clés 06, 27 et 79 pour les générations1914 à 1941 ;
– les clés 06, 27, 30, 79, 60 et 89 pour les générations 1942 à 1949 et 1965 à 2004 ;
– Les clés 06, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30, 43, 49, 55, 60, 55, 70, 79, 84, 89, pour les générations 1950 à 1964.
Ces informations sont décrites à l’article R 161-68 du code de la sécurité sociale. Elles sont les suivantes : numéro d’ordre personnel et anonyme spécifique au traitement, sexe, année de naissance, lieu de naissance (pays, département ou territoire), régimes de retraite, nature et montants des pensions, informations permettant d’établir le rapport entre le montant des pensions de retraite et les rémunérations et revenus de remplacement perçus, catégorie socio professionnelle ou statutaire, éléments de situation familiale en rapport avec l’objet du traitement.
Ces données sont collectées par la DREES qui est responsable du traitement auprès des organismes gestionnaires des régimes de retraite obligatoires, de la CNAM, de l’INSEE et de France Travail. Les données transmises extraites de leurs systèmes de gestion sont anonymes et exclusivement destinées à la réalisation de statistiques.
Les personnes concernées par ce traitement sont informées que leurs données à caractère personnel seront réutilisées d’une manière compatible avec la finalité du présent traitement, dans le cadre d’un traitement ultérieur exclusivement à des fins archivistiques dans l’intérêt public, à des fins de recherche scientifique ou historique ou à des fins statistiques. La durée de conservation de ces données est de 30 ans.
En application du règlement UE 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 (règlement général sur la protection des données ou RGPD) et de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, les personnes nées dans l’une des périodes mentionnées ci-dessus disposent des droits d’accès, de rectification et à la limitation du traitement, qu’elles peuvent exercer :
- par l’intermédiaire de la CRPNPAC qui leur fournira les éléments nécessaires pour l’exercice de leurs droits ; dans ce cadre, vous pouvez écrire à l’adresse suivante (en joignant toute pièce permettant de justifier votre identité et votre demande) :
Délégué à la protection des données
14 rue des Pyramides
CS 60322
75041 Paris Cedex 01
Ou via le formulaire suivant
- auprès de la DREES par courriel à ou par courrier postal, à l’adresse suivante : Référente RGPD de la DREES 14 avenue Duquesne 75730 Paris 07 en indiquant le code EIR dans la demande.
Les personnes concernées, ont, par ailleurs, le droit d’effectuer une réclamation auprès de la Commission nationale informatique et libertés.
Un traitement de données à partir de l’EIR et des données fiscales est également prévu par la DREES. Sa création est prévue par l’article 2 du décret n° 2015-1570 du 1er décembre 2015. Pour l’EIR 2024, cet appariement sera réalisé en 2026, une fois les données des régimes de retraite collectées. Ces informations sont anonymes, exclusivement destinées à la réalisation de statistiques et relatives aux revenus des personnes présentes dans l’EIR et de leur foyer. Les études statistiques réalisées permettent d’avoir une vue d’ensemble des revenus du ménage. Ces données permettront notamment de mieux connaître le niveau de vie des retraités, d’approfondir le lien entre pension de retraite et autres revenus, et de mieux appréhender le non-recours au minimum vieillesse. Vous pouvez accéder aux données fiscales vous concernant et demander leur rectification auprès de votre centre des finances publiques. S’agissant de l’appariement envisagé, les personnes concernées par ce nouveau traitement pourront prendre connaissance de droits relatifs à la protection de leurs données et des modalités d’exercice de ceux-ci- sur le présent site.
Interscheme sample of contributors (EIC) 2021
Information about the establishment of an interscheme sample of contributors and the rights of individuals laid down by the GDPR and the French Data Protection Act
In order to examine pension entitlements, the Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) of the Ministry of Solidarity and Families has created a tool called inter-scheme sample of contributors (EIC) which makes it possible to reconstitute the retirement pension entitlements of individuals in the mandatory schemes. Its creation is laid down by Law no. 2000-1257 of 23 December 2000 on the financing of Social Security for 2001 (Article 27), amended by Article 62 of Law no. 2002-1487 of 20 December 2002 on the financing of Social Security for 2003.
The EIC 2021 is constituted of information concerning people born:
- On 2nd and 3rd January, 1st and 2nd April, 1st and 2nd July, and 1st to 10th October of the years 1946, 1950, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1994 and 1998.
- On 2nd and 3rd January, 1st and 2nd April, 1st and 2nd July, and 1st and 2nd October of the years 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996.
It also includes people whose month of birth is unknown in the National Directory for Identification of Natural Persons.
This information relates to the pension entitlements acquired individually.
This information is described in Article R. 161-67 of the French Social Security Code. It is the following: personal and anonymous register number specific to the processing, sex, year of birth, place of birth (country, département or territory), pension schemes, information necessary to calculate the retirement pension, information making it possible to establish the ratio between the amount of the entitlements or the retirement pension on the one hand, and the income and replacement income received on the other, socio-professional or statutory category, family status information in connection with the purpose of the processing (marital status, legal partnership agreement, cohabiting arrangement, number of children), département or territory of residence.
These data are collected by the DREES from the managing bodies of the mandatory pension schemes, from the INSEE, and from France Travail. The data transferred, extracted from their management, are anonymous and exclusively used to draw up statistics.
Pursuant to Articles 15, 16 and 18 of Regulation EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 amended, the persons born in one of the periods mentioned above can obtain disclosure of their personal data from the DREES, via the CRPNPAC, which will provide them with the information necessary to exercise their rights of access, rectification and restriction of processing.
In that context, you can write to the following address (attaching any proof of identity and your request):
Délégué à la protection des données
14 rue des Pyramides
CS 60322
75041 Paris Cedex 01
Ou via le formulaire suivant