Affiliating an air crew member
Affiliation to the CRPN is mandatory for all salaried civil aviation professional air crew members working regularly as principal occupation and assigned to a base in France.
A civil aviation air crew member will work regularly and principally, on their own behalf or on behalf of others, for profitable purposes or against payment, in the role of air crew member (employment contract for the job of professional civil aviation air crew member).
They must also hold a valid aviation permit or fall within the scope of the European Regulation.
As an employer, if you have no active account at the CRPN, you must send us a written request through our contact form notifying us of the date(s) of hiring the air crew members you are going to employ.
In return you will receive a registration form to complete to finalise your registration with the CRPN.
Pre-Hiring Statement (DPAE)
The DPAE must be submitted before any air activity is practised.
It conditions the coverage of the air risks of the air crew members, notably in case of air accident.
For the air crew member or his beneficiaries
The CRPN will refuse the air crew member or his beneficiaries the right to payment of the benefits set out in its scheme, notably in case of air accident.
For the employer
The CRPN may be subrogated in the rights of the member and will engage your liability in case of default, by summonsing you to pay compensation of the loss and payment of damages.
NB: the pre-hiring statement made to the URSSAF is not sent to the CRPN. You therefore have to submit it to both.
Please enter the CRPN DPAEs via your employer account by following the online DPAE input instructions.
Voluntary affiliation of air crew members
Salaried professional civil aviation air crew members who regularly practise the profession of air crew member as principal occupation and who are employed outside of France by a foreign company may be affiliated on the request of said company, or otherwise on their request.
If your air crew members want to join individually, they can download the 2025 voluntary affiliation instructions.
If you want to voluntarily join your air crew members, you must send us a written request using our contact form.
In return you will receive a voluntary affiliation form, which will be submitted for the agreement of the President of the CRPN.