Your income tax return

Your CRPN pension is liable to French income tax

Early each year, a document entitled “Attestation fiscale” (tax certificate) showing the net taxable amount of your CRPN pension which you were paid on the basis of the previous fiscal year is uploaded to your personal account.

You can use this downloadable document to check or add to your pre-filled income tax return form.

The net taxable amount of your CRPN pension can differ from the net amount paid over the year, due to certain mandatory withholdings which are added back in to the amount which must appear on your return.

It is calculated as follows:

      Gross pensions

     + gross top-ups

     + gross supplements

     – health insurance contributions

     – CSG (deductible portion only)

A history of your tax certificates is available through your personal account. In 2025, your history contains your tax certificates for 2022, 2023 and 2024. Make sure to store these documents in a safe place.