Where to get pension information

You can view your notice of notional entitlements (“notification de droits théoriques”) and your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”) at any time when you log in to your personal account.

Under the CRPN scheme

Your employment for the previous year accrues to your account each year during the summer of the following year, with the exception of 2020, which may be subject to special treatment. Your notification of entitlements (“notification de droits théoriques”) and career record (“relevé de carrière”) are updated, in your personal account, each time a line of entitlements is changed in your career.

Your yearly notice of notional entitlements

Your notice of notional entitlements (“notification de droits théoriques”) consists of a statement of periods and earnings which were reported and credited to your account on the basis of the previous fiscal year, along with your total notional entitlements as of January 1st of the current year.

Your notional entitlements change each year based on:

  • Your own employment,
  • The IVSC index, which is indexed against the INSEE consumer price index. This means that the increase in your entitlements resulting from your previous year’s employment being credited to your account can be affected when this index goes up or down.

Your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”)

Your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”) lists all of the periods that have been credited to your career account: your air crew member employment with CRPN contributions and any periods off work either purchased through the buyback program or credited to your account free of charge.

Your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”) is a freeze frame of your accrued career at the date on which it was taken.


Under all of the schemes to which you have belonged

Your right to information

France’s pension reform law No. 2003-775 of August 21, 2003, known as the Fillon Law, introduced the concept of the right to information. Under the right to information law, each French-insured individual automatically receives the following documents, with no need to submit a request:

  • At the beginning of their career, they receive a document with general information on retirement;
  • At age 35 and every 5 years after that, they receive a joint letter from all of the compulsory retirement pension funds to which they have belonged with an overview of all of their entitlements (individual statement of accruals or “relevé de situation individuelle”);
  • Starting at age 55, they receive an estimate of the amount of their future retirement pension (overall estimate for information purposes or “estimation indicative globale”).


The full table is available online on www.info-retraite.fr

The online individual statement of accruals (“Relevé Individuel de Situation en ligne”. RIS-e)

As from January 1st, 2012, all salaried workers are entitled to an online individual statement of accruals (RIS-e).

When you request this document, you can check how the various components of your career have been taken into account under the basic and supplementary retirement pension schemes to which you belong or have belonged.

You can request a RIS-e by creating a Personal Pension Account (“Compte personnel Retraite”/ CPR) on the website for “l’Union Retraite”: www.info-retraite.fr.