Employee questions
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General questions
- Having periods of employment credited to my account
How can I check that my periods of employment have been credited to my account?
Your employer declares your periods of employment to CRPN on a yearly basis. The amount of earnings credited to your career account is that of your Retirement Pension and Insurance fund contribution basis. The periods and wages reported by your employer will be added to your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”), which you can access through your personal account.
You can check that any given year has been correctly credited to your career account by comparing the amount for that year to the sum total of all of your gross wages liable to (Retirement Pension or Insurance Fund) contributions which appear on each of your payslips for that tax year.
Your employment for any given tax year will usually be credited to your account during the summer of the following tax year. However, we invite you to consult our News which can supplement this answer.
You can view your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”) and/or your notice of notional entitlements in your personal account. (They are no longer sent out by standard mail)
When you pay CRPN contributions, your payslip shows your CRPN contribution withholdings (employee’s share) for the 3 CRPN-administered funds (Retirement Pension, Insurance, and Top-up).
Why are certain periods missing from my career?
There are several reasons why a given tax year may have been left off or credited only partially to your account. These include:
- Processing of the annual declarations has not been finalised and they have not been validated.
The CRPN keeps you informed about the progress of the works via News.
- The year 2020, for which validation of your activity may be delayed owing to the potential postponement of payment of employer’s contributions.
You can view the news of 14 december 2021 here.
- If you did not have any air crew employment for that period (your employment contract was terminated or suspended, etc.)
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to have these periods credited to your account. To learn more, please refer to our guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits as well as our special page on unemployment.
- If your employer has not submitted their yearly employment report
Our Employers/ Collections department cannot credit your periods to your account until we have received this report.
- If your employer has defaulted or is behind on their contribution payments
Please refer to the question What are my options if my employer has defaulted and to the special page on our website on this topic.
- If you have periods of air crew employment in another country
Please refer to the question below, either “Can air crew employment in another European country be taken into account” or “Can air crew employment in a non-European country be taken into account,” which applies to your circumstances.
What are my options if my employer has defaulted?
There is a 3-year deadline to have any missing periods retroactively credited to your account if contributions have not been paid:
- This means that, in 2025, no periods prior to January 1st, 2022, can be retroactively credited to your account.,
- For periods occurring within this 3-year timeframe, both the employer and our members are notified of the consequences of this situation as soon as CRPN detects that an employer has defaulted on their contribution payments.
Periods of employment (number of days) are credited in full to the member’s career while wages are credited in proportion to their Retirement pension fund withholdings (member’s share), whether or not these contributions were actually paid to CRPN. However, the member must apply to CRPN to have missing periods credited retroactively to their account within a three-year deadline following completion of these periods. One the deadline has passed, no periods can be credited if contributions have not been paid.
If the application deadline has passed or if the member’s wages have not been credited in full for a given period, the member, their employer, or any court-appointed representative can still have periods (in full) and wages (either in full or partially) credited retroactively to the member’s account by paying all outstanding employee’s and employer’s contributions plus late penalties.
No retroactive credits can be awarded if the unpaid contributions are the result of any illegality (failure to submit a pre-hiring declaration (“DPAE”), failure to withhold contributions, non-payment, etc.) which appears to be by the member’s choice or to have occurred with their knowing acceptance.
If necessary, CRPN will bring either criminal or civil litigation and will notify the air crew member of the situation and its consequences.
Can air crew employment in another European country be taken into account?
You have been employed as a professional air crew member in civil aviation in a European country other than France (European Union member State + Iceland + Liechtenstein + Norway + Switzerland + United Kingdom).
These periods can be taken into account pour une liquidation de vos droits under European coordination rules.
Make sure you keep all documentary evidence of these periods of employment (i.e. career history statements issued by the local retirement pension fund and certificates of employment).
Please refer to our informational guide on European coordination.
Can air crew employment in a non-European country be taken into account?
Only voluntary contributions can be paid on periods of employment in a non-European country, and they must be paid at the time of employment abroad. They cannot be credited to your account retroactively.
Please refer to our informational guide on Voluntary membership in 2025.
- On redeployment, mobility leave or leave of absence. Can I claim and start drawing my CRPN pension?
On redeployment or mobility leave (“congé mobilité”)
During redeployment or mobility (e.g. redeployment) leave, the air crew employment contract is not terminated.
Pension entitlements cannot be claimed before your air crew employment contract has been terminated, which means that there is no way to claim before or during your redeployment or mobility leave.
However, reclassification leave and mobility leave periods from 16 December 2021 are included in the periods that can be validated in the CRPN regime. They can therefore be validated free of charge or by buyback by the flight attendant.
Your air crew employment contract will be terminated once your mobility leave has ended. You may qualify to claim your pension from the 1st day of the month following termination of your contract.
On leave of absence (“congé sabbatique”)
During a leave of absence (“congé sabbatique”), your air crew employment contract is not terminated. Rather, it is suspended throughout your leave of absence.
You cannot claim any pension entitlements before your air crew employment contract has been terminated, which means that no entitlements can be claimed before or during your leave of absence (“congé sabbatique”).
In addition, any leave of absence periods cannot be credited to your CRPN account. This means that they can neither be credited free of charge nor credited through the buyback program.
- My employment in the United Kingdom
Please send us proof of your activity as flight crew in the United Kingdom (career record of the pension scheme to which you are affiliated, and certificate of employment of each employer) with a view to aggregating any periods of inactivity as flight crew in Europe for the settlement of your pension entitlements.
Please refer to the following informational guide: European coordination.
- What happens if a company defaults?
Until the 2020 periods, validation of all employment times and salaries is subject to payment of all contributions due.
When the employer has not paid the contributions in full, all periods of employment (number of days) are credited in full to the member’s career while wages are credited in proportion to their withholdings, whether or not employer and employee contributions were actually paid.
The member can apply for a buyback so that the portion of their salary that was not previously taken into account can be credited to their account (this back payment amounts to the employer’s share calculated on the basis of their total salary).
Pursuant to article R6527-29 of the French transport code, periods of employment are only taken into account if the contributions required under articles D6527-12 through D6527-20 of the French transport code have been paid on the salaries paid to the member.
CRPN Board of Directors decisions No. 98-27 and 98-28 are applicable from March 1, 1999. As a result, any periods of employment completed after that date on which employee and employer contributions have not been paid in full can only be credited retroactively to the member’s account at the following levels:
- For the amount of their employee withholdings, whether or not these were actually paid to CRPN, upon submission of the member’s payslips showing employee withholdings, and only if the application to credit a period to the member’s account is submitted within a 3-year period following the period of employment,
- In full, and at any time, whenever employee’s and employer’s contributions are retroactively paid in full, whether this is by the employer, the court-appointed representative, or by yourself.
No retroactive credits can be awarded on the basis of any periods for which the member’s circumstances with regard to their CRPN membership, the declaration of their employment, or the calculation or payment of their contributions appear to be by choice or due to the member’s knowing acceptance of any illegality.
From 2021, validation is no longer subject to payment of all contributions.
- Crediting missing periods to your account or enhancing existing periods
List of eligible periods
The French transport code (article R6527-28) sets forth a comprehensive list of periods that can be credited to your CRPN pension account.
Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
Why have additional periods credited to my account or enhance existing periods?
What you stand to gain depends on how the periods are credited.
Periods can be credited to your account in three different ways:
- Periods credited free of charge lengthen your career and reduce or even cancel out any rate reduction that may apply to your pension entitlements. However, they have no effect on how your pension entitlements are calculated and there is no reason to apply for free credits if you already qualify for a pension with no rate reduction.
- Periods credited through the payment of contributions raise the amount of your pension entitlements.
- Periods credited through buyback lengthen your career, which is also true for free credits, but carrying out a buyback will also raise the amount of your pension entitlements.
When certain requirements are met, periods of military service and periods in combat can also be credited to your account free of charge.
Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
What types of periods can be credited free of charge (or through buyback)?
The following periods can be credited free of charge :
- Periods of maternity leave and periods of temporary unpaid pregnancy-related medical leave, et, à compter du 16 décembre 2021, le congé d’adoption,
- Periods of paternity leave,
- Unpaid periods off work as part of an alternating work pattern,
- Periods off work when parental leave is taken as part of an alternating work pattern,
- Periods of partial employment 2020,
- From 16 December 2021: reclassification leave or mobility leave
Only périods 1 through 4 are also eligible for buyback.
In order for periods 3 and 4 to be credited to your account, they must not have generated CRPN benefits, nor may contributions have been paid for these periods under another scheme.
For periods from 2020, validation is done by direct declaration by employers to the CRPN.
When certain requirements are met, periods of military service and periods in combat can also be credited to your account free of charge.
Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
What types of periods can be credited to my account through contribution payments or through buyback?
- Periods of prescribed temporary medical leave from 01/01/2012 during which you were paid all or part of your salary (article L6526-1 and 2 of the French Transport Code),
- Periods of prescribed temporary medical leave from 01/01/2012 with compensation from a compulsory providence scheme (e.g. SIACI), or those prior to 2012 if no employer’s contributions were paid to CRPN.
Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
What types of periods can only be credited through the buyback program?
- Military service beyond the statutory period
- Periods with a suspended contract, listed by decree*: parental leave, training, etc.
- Acquisition of a qualification (subsequent to first membership)
- Quarters in education eligible for buyback under the general scheme
- Pre-retirement with FNE payments
- Unemployment with benefits following termination of an air crew employment contract
* Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
What are the deadlines?
To have periods credited free of charge:
For periods off work prior to 2020, you will need to submit the required documentation according to the same rules as for buybacks and contribution payments (please see below : How do I get these periods credited to my account?).
Periods off work from 2020 are credited free of charge based on employer reports. You have no application or documentation to submit, unless you are applying for early crediting in connection with a claim for entitlements.
For contribution payments:
The member must pay contributions, which are calculated without any weighting factor, within the calendar year following the period being applied for.
To buy back periods:
Buybacks of periods listed under article R6527-28 of French transport code must be carried out:
For quarters in education:
Buyback can occur at any age prior to the member’s 60th birthday and prior to claiming all pension entitlements.
For all other periods eligible for buyback:
- Either during the member’s career, before their 50th birthday:
Payment for a buyback simulation drawn up during the year of the member’s 50th birthday must reach CRPN by the day before their 50th birthday.
- Or during the period preceding submission of a claim for all entitlements. In this case, buyback must be carried out no more than 6 months prior to the effective date for the member’s claim of all entitlements:
The buyback payment must be submitted prior to the claim, meaning before the member’s claim reaches the pension board for approval. In the special case where a claim for all entitlements follows a previous partial claim of entitlements through the alternating work-retirement program, CRPN must have received the buyback payment by the day before the effective date of the claim for the remainder of the member’s entitlements, which had not been claimed through the alternating work-retirement program.
- Or during the period preceding submission of a claim in the special case where entitlements were claimed prior to the member’s 50th birthday on the basis of permanent unfitness for work:
In this case, the payment deadline is the same as in the point above.
The buyback calculation rules have been set by the board of directors*. These rules take account of the member’s circumstances, age, and type of period being bought back. The tables of weighting factors and percentages which apply to each case in order to ensure that buybacks are actuarially neutral appear in these decisions.
* Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
How do I get these periods credited to my account?
By submitting an application through your personal account, in the “Online requests – Crediting periods not worked to your account”, and attaching the required documentation.
By sending us a request for a contribution payment simulation (for any applicable periods 3 and 4 of article R6527-28 of french transport code of the previous fiscal year) or for a buyback simulation, along with the required documents, or by submitting the documentation that is required to have periods to be credited to your account free of charge:
- Buyback or free credit simulation form
- Form with a signed statement to have periods on an alternating basis credited to your account
- Form with a signed statement to have military service credited to your account
CRPN must have received any request for a contribution payment simulation or a buyback simulation before November 30. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your request will be granted for the current fiscal year.
The amount of your contribution payment or buyback must be paid by:
- Check from your personal account made out to CRPN,
- Transfer: bank details provided on request.
All contribution and buyback payments are final.
Please refer to our informational guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
Partial employment: what are the rules?
CRPN’s rules have been updated to incorporate partial employment.
With regard to 2020, any periods of partial employment on which no contributions were paid are credited to members’ accounts free of charge when reported directly by employers to CRPN.
As of 2021, periods of partial unemployment remain in whole or in part contribution-exempt but are treated as contributory periods. As such, they are credited to members’ accounts on the basis of contributions without actually being assessed for contributions (Decree no. 2021-570 of 10 May 2021).
You can read the news of 7 June 2021 here.
- Drawing a pension through the alternating work-retirement program
How is my pension paid through the alternating work-retirement program? On a full-month basis? On a partial-month basis?
The alternating work-retirement program allows an air crew member to work at a slower pace as set forth by a company agreement. It consists of alternating scheduled periods of employment with scheduled unpaid periods off work over the course of a calendar year.
Pensions are paid through the alternating work-retirement program under a set of rules that have been adopted by CRPN’s Board of Directors to offer members this opportunity to work at a slower pace. It is based on a two-step pension claim process (for members who qualify to claim their entitlements):
- a partial claim for entitlements through the alternating work-retirement program
- then a claim for the portion of the entitlements not claimed through the alternating work-retirement program, when the member retires from all air crew employment.
Each claim comes under the rules which are currently applicable on the effective date for that claim.
You can be paid your pension:
- on the basis of full calendar months (the full-month basis),
- or on a partial-month basis (unpaid periods off work are stated as a monthly number of days off work ranging from 6 to 15. The number of days off work must be the same for each month in the program and set for the entire year)
Employers draw up a calendar-year schedule of all periods off work through the alternating work-retirement program and submit it to CRPN.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
Can I draw my pension through the alternating work-retirement program on a full-month basis?
Pensions can be paid through the alternating work-retirement program on a full-month basis under the following rules (no exceptions allowed):
- The applicant member’s employer must have rolled out a company agreement which allows for enrollment in an alternating work-retirement program on a full-month basis.
- CRPN must receive your application to enroll in the alternating work-retirement program by the month prior to the 1st month off work for which you want to draw your pension (you can apply to claim your entitlements online through your personal account),
- CRPN must receive all schedules of months off work for the following year by December 15th of each year,
- No changes (*) can be made to the schedule that has been set for the year unless the member either resumes full-time employment or enters full retirement, except due to a “force majeure” event and other situations listed in their company agreement,,
- Members participating in the alternating work-retirement program agree not to engage in any paid professional air crew employment during their scheduled periods off work.
(*) Unauthorized changes will result in termination of the member’s partial-month-basis enrollment in the alternating work-retirement program. These consist of changes in work pace (switching from a full-month to a partial-month basis or vice versa), or of changes in the member’s monthly number of days off work.
Important! Compliance with the provisions above is mandatory: “In the event of any violation of procedure, CRPN will not pay benefits to the air crew member and will suspend payment of benefits under the alternating work-retirement program.”
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
Can I draw my pension through the alternating work-retirement program on a partial-month basis?
Pensions can be paid through the alternating work-retirement program on a partial-month basis under the following rules (no exceptions allowed):
- The applicant member’s employer must have rolled out a company agreement which allows for enrollment in an alternating work-retirement program on a partial-month basis.
- CRPN must receive your application to enroll in the alternating work-retirement program by the month prior to the 1st month off work for which you want to draw your partial pension (you can apply to claim your entitlements online through your personal account),
- CRPN must receive all schedules of days off work for the following year by December 15th of each year,
- No change(*) to the schedule defined for the year can intervene on a financial year excluding return to full-time employment or cessation of activity, except in cases of force majeure and cases listed in the company agreements,
- Members participating in the alternating work-retirement program agree not to engage in any paid professional air crew employment during their scheduled periods off work.
(*) Unauthorized changes will result in termination of the member’s partial-month-basis enrollment in the alternating work-retirement program. These consist of changes in work pace (switching from a full-month to a partial-month basis or vice versa), or of changes in the member’s monthly number of days off work.
Important! Compliance with the provisions above is mandatory: “In the event of any violation of procedure, CRPN will not pay benefits to the air crew member and will suspend payment of benefits under the alternating work-retirement program.”
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
How will my pension be calculated when I claim the first portion of my entitlements?
Partial claims for entitlements are based on the career the member has accrued up to the date on which their pension through the alternating work-retirement program becomes payable, either on a full-month or on a partial-month basis. The following factors, calculated as of the same date, will apply:
- “TV” (valuation rate for years beyond the member’s best 25): this is calculated based on the member’s age and the time credited to their account as of the date on which their pension through the alternating work-retirement program becomes payable,
- Early-claim, decrease, or rate reduction factor: this is calculated as of the date on which the member’s pension becomes payable,
- The current “IVSC” (Corrected wage variation index, used for entitlement claims) on the date on which the member’s pension becomes payable. The amount of the member’s entitlements will then be updated at the upward adjustment rate for pensions set forth by article R6527-48 of the French transport code,
- Social security ceiling (ceiling for the 1st and 2nd salary brackets as of the date on which the member’s pension through the alternating work-retirement program becomes payable),
- Number of “a” days as set forth by article R6527-40 d of the French transport code.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
What specificity for my pension rate if I go with the partial-month basis?
You are planning to enroll in the alternating work-retirement program on the partial-month basis, or are already enrolled in the program and want to change over from the full-month to the partial-month basis.
How your pension will be calculated
The pension you are paid under the partial-month basis is prorated on the basis of your 30-day monthly pension, as determined by your number of days off each month.
Your partial-month-basis pension will be paid for each month in which you have days off as part of the alternating work-retirement program.
- If you are enrolled in the alternating work-retirement program on the partial-month basis with 7 days off per month over 10 months (with full-time employment in July and August), you will be paid 7/30ths of the monthly value of your pension from January through June and from September through December.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
Do I need to submit any paperwork to CRPN in order to start drawing my pension?
Once you have been approved to claim your pension through the alternating work-retirement program, your pension will be paid in accordance with the schedule which your employer will have sent us. This generally means that no action is required on your part.
You can check it in your personal account, section alternating work-retirement program.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
Will my pension go up while I am enrolled in the alternating work-retirement program?
For as long as you draw a pension on the basis of your scheduled months or monthly days off work, your pension will be uprated each year at the upward adjustment rate for pensions (rapport des IVP) which is set forth by article R6527-48 of the French transport code, with no change to the factors used to calculate your partial claim for entitlements.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
What steps do I need to take before I enter full retirement after participating in the program on the full-month basis? On the partial-month basis?
When you enter full retirement, you will need to send CRPN your application to claim the remainder of your entitlements which you did not claim through the alternating work-retirement program. CRPN will need to receive your application by the month in which your air crew employment contract is terminated (Our online application to claim entitlements is available through your personal account).
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
What does it mean that my pension is being paid on a provisional basis?
When you enter full retirement, CRPN can begin paying your pension and you will receive a bank transfer each month, according to the schedule approved by the Board of directors.
The pension which you are (provisionally) paid will continue to be calculated using the same rules as for the alternating work-retirement program, until we have the last wage components that we need in order to definitively calculate your pension.
This final calculation will take place as soon as possible, once the second portion of the member’s entitlements has been updated.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
How will my pension be calculated when I claim the remainder of my entitlements?
The following will occur when you enter full retirement:
- Your total career length and salaries will be counted toward the pension entitlement in connection with your first partial claim (with no change to the factors listed above),
- And you will claim the remainder of your entitlements not claimed through the alternating work-retirement program. This will be calculated using the same basis of your total career. When you claim the second portion of your entitlements, the following factors, which are calculated on the date of your claim for this second portion of your entitlements, will apply:
- “TV” calculated on the effective date for this claim
- Rate reduction, calculated on this same date
- Current “IVSC” on the effective date for this claim
- Social Security ceiling
- Number of “a” days as set forth by article R6527-40 of the French transport code.
Once the first portion of the member’s entitlements has been updated and the remainder of their entitlements has been claimed, each portion will be assigned a weighting factor which will be used to perform the final calculation of their pension:
- The first portion of the member’s entitlements, which they will have claimed through the alternating work-retirement program and will have been updated as above on the effective date for the remainder of their entitlements, will be weighted using a pro rating factor corresponding to the ratio between the number of days paid under the alternating work-retirement program for the period beginning when their pension through the program became payable and the date they entered full retirement, and the total number of days in that same period;
- The second portion of the member’s entitlements, calculated as above, will be weighted using a pro rating factor that is equal to the difference between 100% and the percentage assigned to the portion of their entitlements that was claimed through the alternating work-retirement program.
You can refer to informational guide “Retiring through the alternating work-retirement program (as from January 1st, 2019)”.
- I am considering applying for my pension: what steps do I need to take?
Do I qualify for a pension?
You can:
- Refer to the guide entitled: CRPN pension claim rules applicable from November 1, 2023, which goes over all of the CRPN scheme’s rules,
- Use our retirement date simulator, which you can access through your personal account.
I have decided to claim my pension. What steps do I need to take?
You will need to:
- Use the Online requests /Applying to claim your pension section (including if you are applying for the alternating work-retirement program). This is accessible through your personal account,
- or send us a written application to claim your entitlements (either all of your entitlements, or a partial claim through the alternating work-retirement program).
Important: we need to receive your (online or paper) claim application by the last day of the month prior to the effective date you have selected for your pension.
Tip: send in your application 2 or 3 months early so you have more time to get your paperwork together.I have submitted my pension application. What happens now?
- Once your application is received, CRPN assesses your pension entitlements.
- If you qualify, your application will be accepted for processing and CRPN will send you back a pension application to fill out.
Once CRPN has entered your application into our system, you can now track the status of your pension claim (whether you are claiming in full, through the alternating work-retirement program, or for the remainder of your entitlements upon leaving the alternating work-retirement program) when you log into your personal account and go to our Track my claim service (Suivi de demande de liquidation).
My career is incomplete. What do I need to do?
You will need to:
- Perform buybacks or have free credits added to your account before you submit a claim for all of your pension entitlements. You will need to submit the documentation listed in our guide entitled Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits,
- If you claim a portion of your entitlements through the alternating work-retirement program, wait to buy back any contributions until you claim the second portion of your entitlements
My career is complete. What is the next step to claiming my entitlements?
CRPN will send back a pension application to fill out along with a list of additional documents you are required to submit:
- Your signed and approved career history report, to download in your personal account,
- In case of periods of alternate time or alternate parental leave validated free of charge, the sworn statement linked to the career record,
- A full copy of your birth certificate. If you were born in France, you can get your birth certificate from the city hall of the town where you were born,
- A full copy of your French family record book (“livret de famille”),
- If you have had three or more children, you will need to submit a birth certificate for each child (additional documents will be required for any children other than your own whom you have raised),
- An official banking information slip (“relevé d’identité bancaire”),
- A certificate of discontinuation of employment and wages, to be filled out by your last employer as an air crew member (form provided by CRPN)
- If you are applying to claim a portion of your entitlements through the alternating work-retirement program, the amendment to your employment contract specifying your alternating work pattern,
- You may be required to submit additional documents, including tax certificates.
- you send back your completed pension application.
Once I have returned my completed application, what will I be getting from CRPN and when?
Once you have submitted your completed application, CRPN’s pension board will process it for approval. The earliest this takes place is the month after your pension effective date. Your 1st pension payment will be made immediately following this board meeting. A letter of acknowledgement of your claim and your certificate of pension entitlement (“titre de pension”) will be made available in your personal account.
At your request, CRPN will send you a certificate of lifelong pension entitlement for you to submit to the French unemployment authority “France Travail”.
You can now track the status of your pension claim when you log into your personal account and go to our Track my claim service.
For more information, please refer to our guide entitled “Claiming your CRPN pension step by step”.
- Death of a non-pensioner flight crew member
The death of a non-pensioner flight crew member may give entitlement to a survivor’s pension.
The conditions of claiming a survivor’s or child’s pension are assessed pursuant to the legislation in force on the date of the death. The information below pertains to the legislation applicable to deaths having occurred on or after 1st January 2012.
You can consult the informational guide Survivor’s and orphan’s pension (for deaths on or after 1st January 2012).
Who are the beneficiaries?
The eligibility of the beneficiaries to receive a pension is assessed on the date of the member’s death. The beneficiaries of an active or retired member having died are:
- the widow(er) and/or divorced spouses, not having died or remarried. Common-law partners or partners linked to the deceased by a Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS) are not recognised for entitlement to a survivor’s pension,
- their children (subject to certain conditions: children in full-time education under the age of 21, or disabled children of any age).
The beneficiary’s income is not taken into account in assessing entitlement to a CRPN survivor’s pension.
On what date does the survivor’s pension take effect?
- If the deceased member was working or was a pensioner of the CRPN, the survivor’s pension is due immediately,
- Otherwise entitlement to the survivor’s pension is postponed until the date on which the member would have reached the age of 60. This entitlement is immediate if the deceased member had at least one dependent child on the date of the death.
What is the rate of the survivor’s benefits?
The rate of the survivor’s pension is fixed at 60% of the member’s pension, potentially accompanied by the top-up and child-related supplement.
How is the survivor’s pension shared?
The survivor’s pension is shared between the various entitled spouses within the meaning of the French Transport Code, strictly prorated to the years of marriage.
What are the rates of the orphan’s pension?
The rate of the child’s pension is fixed at:
- 12% of the member’s pension,
- 50% when the child is orphaned of both parents,
- 72% when the child is orphaned of both parents and suffers from a permanent disability as defined in Article R6527-64 of the French Transport Code (for deaths of members on or after 1st January 2013).
However, the total of the orphan’s and survivor’s pensions cannot exceed 100% of the member’s pension. If it exceeds this, the pension allocated to each of the beneficiaries will be reduced proportionally.
In what cases is a disabled child entitled to a pension?
A child suffering from a disability making him or her unable to earn a living may, subject to certain conditions, and without age limit, receive a child’s pension after the member’s death.
To receive this, the child or their guardian must submit with the pension application:
- Either the disability card or Inclusion Mobility Card (CMI) or a notification from the CDAPH (Commission for Rights and Independence of Disabled Persons (formerly COTOREP)),
- Or a document or an attestation relative to the award of a disability pension or a workplace accident or occupational disease benefit issued by French Social Security,
the document submitted must state the date of onset of the disability. If it does not do so, an additional document mentioning that date must be sent to the CRPN.
- And a medical certificate(1) specifying that the child suffers from a permanent disability making them unable to earn a living.
To maintain payment of the pension, each year:
- For the 5 years after the entitlement takes effect, a medical certificate(1) specifying that the child suffers from a permanent disability making them unable to earn a living,
- After 5 years, a sworn declaration of the person concerned or their guardian or legal representative attesting to the impossibility for the person concerned to earn a living.
We advise you to inform us of your child’s disability as soon as possible so the information is in our possession when the beneficiary entitlements are set up.
(1) The medical certificate mentioned in the above cases is not required for children who can evidence receiving benefits without limitation of duration and who present a disability rate of at least 80% (AAH (disabled adult allowance), ACTP (third party assistance benefit), CMI (mention “disability”)).
Can I claim both a direct pension and a survivor’s pension?
If you receive a direct pension from the CRPN resulting from your flight crew activity, you can also receive a survivor’s pension after the death of a spouse or ex-spouse who was also a former flight crew member.
What steps do I take?
On the death of a member, the applicant must send to the CRPN as quickly as possible:
- a death certificate or attestation,
- an application for survivor’s pension, on plain paper or using the form Application form to claim entitlements to survivor’s pension, within a maximum period of six months.
This will make it possible to swiftly set up any orphan’s and survivor’s pensions. If the six-month period is exceeded, the orphans’ and/or survivor’s pensions will take effect on the first day of the month following receipt of the application.
This application can be sent to the CRPN:
- by post,
- or electronically: scanned application attached to the contact form available in the section “FAQ, Help and Contact”.
So as not to delay the claims procedure, ask the town halls of the respective places of birth:
- for a birth certificate, with margin notes, of the deceased member,
- for a birth certificate, with margin notes, of the applicant.
These original documents must be sent to the CRPN.
You must put together your application pack within a maximum period of 2 years from the effective date.
Download the Application form to claim entitlements to survivor’s pension.
What supporting documents do I need for my survivor’s pension application pack?
On receipt of the pension application, a pack will be sent to the beneficiary or their guardian. This pack must be returned within a period of 2 years, duly completed, accompanied by the following supporting documents or information:
- a death certificate (if not yet provided at this stage),
- a full copy of the family record book(s),
- a copy of the beneficiary’s identity card or passport,
- birth certificates with margin notes (that of the former flight crew member and a birth certificate of each possible beneficiary) dated within the past 3 months,
- bank details (RIB) in the name of each beneficiary,
- in case of death of a member who is not yet a pensioner, a career record, dated and signed, attached to the pack,
- in case of death of a member who was still working, an attestation of cessation of work and salaries to be completed by the employer, attached to the pack,
And, depending on the situation of the applicant(s):
- a birth certificate dated within the past 3 months, with parentage, for each child of the flight crew member aged under 21,
- a schooling certificate for each dependent child between the ages of 16 and 21,
- a sworn declaration relative to any paid activity for each child over the age of 16,
- the contact details of the notary responsible for settling the estate,
- the contact details of the guardianship court,
- the divorce judgment,
- a presentation of the facts and circumstances of the accident to be usually requested from the B.E.A. (Bureau Enquêtes et Analyses) – Bâtiment 153 – 10 rue de Paris – Zone Sud – Aéroport du Bourget – 93352 LE BOURGET cedex,
- the 48 payslips preceding the death,
- a sworn declaration of absence of divorce or separation on the date of the death.
In the specific case of disabled children, you can also refer to the question “In what cases is a disabled child entitled to a pension?” above.
What are the consequences of the remarriage or death of a spouse?
When the holder of a survivor’s pension remarries, they permanently lose any entitlement to the survivor’s pension. Similarly, payment of the pension will stop in case of death.
What are the conditions for a contribution to funeral costs?
You can consult the summary table of conditions for award of 1st level assistance by area of intervention.
Can I access the deceased’s personal account?
Access to the personal account of the deceased pensioner remains open for 18 months after the death.
If you are in possession of their Social Security number and password, you can directly access their personal account and their documents.
You cannot change their personal information or contact details.
You can create or recreate their personal account if you have access to the email account they communicated to us (activation code will only be sent to the email address registered in our database).
- Updating my personal information
How do I change my contact information?
To change your mailing address, email address, and phone number
- On this website, log in to your personal account, go to the “personal information” section, and enter your changes directly,
- On this website, fill out our contact form in the « FAQ, Help and Contact» section and attach a scanned, signed letter drawn up on separate paper showing your Last name, First name, French Social Security number, and your new contact information,
- By mailing us a signed letter with your Last name, First name, French Social Security number, and your new contact information.
We cannot change your contact information over the phone.
My family circumstances have changed: how do I notify CRPN?
We recommend that you notify CRPN of any civil status changes
By sending us the following documents, depending on the life event you have experienced:
- marriage: a copy of your French family record book (“livret de famille”) showing your marriage,
- birth of a child: a copy of your French family record book (“livret de famille”) (when you claim your retirement pension, CRPN may ask you for a birth certificate for each child in order to determine your eligibility for a pension bonus),
- divorce: a copy of your French family record book (“livret de famille”) showing your divorce, or a copy of your divorce decree.
Using the following means of communication:
- On this website, log in to your personal account, and attach your scanned document to the contact form,
- On this website, fill out our contact form in the « FAQ, Help and Contact » section, and attach a scanned, signed letter drawn up on separate paper showing your Last name, First name, French Social Security number, along with your scanned document.
- By mailing us a signed letter with your Last name, First name, and French Social Security number, along with your document.
Civil status information does not appear in your personal account.
Internet services questions
- How to use the website section?
Here is CRPN’s guide to a faster, smoother user experience on our website.
To read any documents you download
All documents available for download are in PDF format. If you aren’t able to view these files, please go here (official website) to download the Acrobat Reader plugin.
Check the “Install….extension” box and click on the “Download Acrobat Reader” button. Follow the instructions to complete installation.
To submit your documents to CRPN
Fill out the contact form which is specifically reserved for submitting scans or photos of your documents:
- Your accompanying documents,
- A separate letter stating your request.
Authorized formats:
Your accompanying documents must be in pdf, txt, doc, docx, odt, xls, xlsx, csv, jpg, jpeg, or png format; and not exceed 5Mo each. A notification will display for any attached file that exceeds 5 Mo.
Technical pointers:
If a file exceeds 5 Mo, divide it into several smaller documents.
For better display quality
You can adjust your computer’s font size for easier reading. Just follow the instructions below to adjust your font display size up or down.
Important: different browsers require different key combinations.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Google Chrome, hold the following keys down at the same time:
- The control (CTRL) key and the plus (+) sign to magnify font size,
- The control (CTRL) key and the minus (-) sign to shrink font size,
- The control (CTRL) key and the zero (0) on the right-hand keypad to return to default display size.
If you are using Safari (Mac), hold the following keys down at the same time_:
- The option (alt or ⌥), command (cmd), and minus sign (-) keys to shrink font size;
- The option (alt or ⌥), command (cmd), and plus sign (+) keys to magnify font size.
If you are using Internet Explorer:
- Go to “Display,” then “Text size,” and select.
For a smoother browsing experience
- CRPN recommends the use of favorites and keyboard shortcuts.
- Bookmarks
- The easiest way to locate the pages you visit most frequently is by bookmarking them. This way, they will appear whenever you open your browser and you will just need to click on them to open.
- Keyboard shortcuts
To do this Press these keys Cut Ctrl + X Copy Ctrl + C Paste Ctrl + V Undo Ctrl + Z Update/ refresh a page F5 Zoom in/Zoom out Ctrl + scroll wheel on your mouse OR Ctrl + + / — View a page in full-screen mode F11 Access your downloads CTRL + J Open a new tab CTRL + T Browse between applications Alt + Tab Go from one tab to another Ctrl + Tab Display your most recent tab Ctrl + 9 Bookmark a page Press Ctrl + D when on the page Display your bookmarks Ctrl + B To get the most out of your browser
Please click here to check out the French data protection authority (CNIL)’s online tips and advice on managing the cookies that are stored on your computer.
CRPN recommends that you use the Google Chrome browser.
- What services are available under “My personal account?”
All available services
- Update your personal contact information,
- Get your career overview statement (“relevé de carrière”),
- View your career and any missing periods (displayed as a timeline)
- Get your notice of entitlements,
- Retirement date calculator (calculate your age at retirement and view any rate reductions displayed against a timeline),
- Pension estimators (if you are currently employed/ if you are drawing a pension through the Alternating Work-Retirement program),
- Online requests and applications:
- Claim the totality of your pension entitlements,
- Partial claim through the Alternating Work-Retirement program,
- Claim all remaining entitlements following participation in the Alternating Work-Retirement program,
- Buybacks, contribution payments, and free credits.
and, temporarily, depending on your situation:
- follow up your pension claim entitlement,
- unemployement : consult an additional buyback proposal.
Pension estimator tutorial
Need help estimating your future entitlements?
Please refer to one of CRPN’s two profile-based news items below:
- If you are currently working: Tutorial for our pension estimator,
- If you are currently enrolled in our alternating work-retirement program: Tutorial for our alternating work-retirement pension estimator.
These tutorials are also available when you log in to your personal account to use our Alternating Work-Retirement Program pension estimator (our pension estimator).
- How do I create a “Personal Account?”
CRPN’s website is the only place where you can sign up for a personal account. Click on the “Personal Account” section that appears at the top of each page.
Select the “CREATE YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT” tab in the right-hand section of the screen and click on the “FILL OUT THE REGISTRATION FORM” button that appears under your circumstances.
Standard procedure
Activate the “Fill out the registration form” button
Step 1: Enter your personal information
- French Social Security number with key (this appears on your French health insurance card “carte Vitale”)
- Last name (last name at birth or last name used)
- Date of birth
These fields are mandatory.
You will also need to view and accept the Terms of Use, and opt into or out of CRPN’s newsletter.
Click on “NEXT STEP” to go on to step 2.
Step 2: Confirm your email address/ Activate your personal account
Enter your email address (the one CRPN already has on file) and click on “Next step”.
You will be receiving an email containing a 6-character activation code. You have 30 minutes to enter the activation code. If this deadline passes, you will need to resubmit your request to create a personal account.
Step 3: Set your password
- Enter a password containing at least 8 characters of your choice, and re-enter to confirm.
- Click on “Go to my personal account” and view your available services.
I don’t know my French social Security Number
This number, followed by its key, appears on your French health insurance card (“carte Vitale”).
I don’t have a French Social Security number
In step 1 when you set up your personal account:
- Check the “I don’t know my French Social Security number” box,
- Enter your Last name and Date of birth
- Check the “Accept Terms of Use” box,
- Click the NEXT STEP button,
- Enter your First name and Email address,
- Click on the SUBMIT REQUEST button.
Your request will be submitted to CRPN, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
My email address is not recognized, or I have a new email address
The email address you entered is not identical to the one CRPN has on file.
You can update your contact information by filling out, signing, and scanning the “Submit contact information for personal account setup,” which is available:
- in step 2 of the personal account setup process,
- or in the Downloads section.
or by attaching a scan of your ID (Please scan both sides if you are submitting an ID card).
CRPN will register your new email address and notify you by email. You will then be able to go back and set up your personal account.
I did not receive or enter the activation code within 30 minutes
Did you check your “spam” or “junk” email folders?
If you did not receive CRPN’s confirmation email or waited too long to activate your account, you will need to go through the personal account setup procedure again.
The activation code is not working
2 common reasons :
- the 30-minute time limit for using the code has expired,
- you made a new request right after: the new code cancelled the old one.
I lost my password
If you forgot your password, please create a new personal account.
- What services are available in the public section?
You can use our public section to:
- Read through our topic-based pages to learn more about your retirement,
- Download guidelines and forms,
- Find answers in Flash questions,
- CRPN’s virtual assistant Alpha is available 24/7 to answer your questions,
- Find answers in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),
- Check out CRPN news,
- Get press release notifications,
- Do a keyword search,
- Contact CRPN,
- View CRPN’s publications: the air crew member’s handbook, the Horizon newsletter and the condensed business report.